Why God-Based Moralities Have Failed! [11]


People in God-oriented societies commonly behave in ways that are contrary to religious teachings—in many cases because the teachings range from being impractical to inhuman, dangerous or worse, and following them makes no sense.

     The concept that the “Kingdom of Heaven” is within the individual—not in some after-death Heaven high in the sky—is probably the most important of all of the insights attributed to the historical Jesus as well as many other earlier philosophers like Confucius. But it goes against the teachings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all of which hold that God is the only source of wisdom and proper behavior—by which they mean what these male-dominated cults teach.

     In fact, according to the teachings of Christianity you can “sin” left and right and still go to Heaven if you confess and accept Jesus Christ [God manifested in the flesh to save mankind!], as your savior before you die—an incredible cop-out devised by religious leaders in an effort to make god-based religion more attractive to the masses.

     Judaism, Christianity and Islam have never had all of the right answers for the spiritual needs of humanity—as history has so graphically demonstrated. Now, more and more so-called Christians are creating their own personal paths to fulfilling their spiritual needs.

     And then, of course, some two-thirds of the world’s population is not Christian or Jew—even if in name only.  These are the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, and so on—most of whom have had good reason for disliking and fearing Christianity because of its intolerant claim of exclusivity and historical use of violence…not to mention the primitive, irrational elements of its theology.

     India-American physician, author and public speaker Dr. Deepak Chopra has presented a succinct explanation of the difference between religion and spirituality. He reminds people that religions develop long after the occurrence of spiritual experiences. He notes that Jesus Christ was not a Christian and Buddha was not a Buddhist. “Those religious were ultimately constructed around an ideology, and of necessity took on the rigidity and risk of being taken over by people who were more interested in power-mongering and corruption. Spirituality, on the other hand, is a realm of awareness that is universal and goes beyond dogma.”

Spirituality does indeed have a vital role to play in human life, but it has not been rationally presented by Judaism, Christianity or Islam—all of which were created by ignorant men who were beset by sexism, tribalism and racism that adversely affected their efforts to control human behavior.

     In more ways than one, the God-based moralities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have become an un-funny joke.  The daily news is rife with references to God that are so irrational they go beyond being ridiculous.

     Interestingly, Dennis Prager, the Jewish-American author and commentator on personal and social issues from morality to religion, has said that most present-day Israelis are not religious in their day-to-day behavior. That is also true, of course, of most Christian Americans, most of whom are too busy living.

Recent surveys of American Christians reveal that the Christianity they profess to believe in is little more than a cultural brand—not a testament to their beliefs or behavior.

***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

Insights into how the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Mexicans do business, based on key words in their languages. It is available from Amazon.com.

Failing Anti-Female Catholic Religion! [12]


One of the most incredible continuing failings of the Catholic version of Christianity is the Vatican’s position on women in the Church. Near the end of the 20th century a number of groups of Catholics who had distanced themselves from the rigid orthodoxy of the Vatican began to give women roles that had previously been the absolute preserves of males.

Some of these steps involved ordaining women as priests, a move that drew quick condemnation from the Vatican. In 2010 when break-away Catholic Churches ordained a number of female priests the move resulted in the Vatican condemning the action as a grave sin on a par with the sexual abuse of children. Incredible!

A spokesperson for the Vatican explained the position of the Church as following the precedent set by Jesus Christ who, the spokesperson said, remained celibate all his life and ordained only males who had been baptized into the priesthood.

The bishop in charge later excommunicated a male priest who was involved in ordaining a female as a priest. The bishop explained his action by saying: “Actions such as these are extremely serious and carry with them profoundly harmful consequences for the salvation of souls participating in this attempted ordination.” 

That was an incredibly stupid, anti-human, anti-female thing for a high-ranking member of the Catholic Church to say, and it obviously represented the official position of the Church.

To permanently condemn one-half of humanity as inferior to males and not worthy of acting on behalf of the Church to teach moral behavior is an astounding example of the primitive mindset of both the male founders and present-day leaders of the Catholic Church—not to mention Islam, which is even more anti-female.

The chauvinistic and anti-human practices of the male-dominated Catholic and Islamic Churches have, of course, been the rule since day one and until modern times the power of the Church was such that women did not dare to question it.  But until the power of the Church to defy common sense and to ignore the humanity it professes to hold sacred is broken it will continue to discriminate against women.

Why the Catholic Church has been able to maintain its power for such a long time is not a secret. Most males in the most “Catholic countries” have simply ignored the dogma and dictates of the Church in their normal “week-day” behavior—that has included cheating, lying, engaging in promiscuous sexual behavior and various forms and degrees of violence, most often against women.

As one honest Filipino Catholic priest once noted, “There is Catholic morality and there is Reality. Except when they go to Church on Sundays most Catholic laymen live in the world of Reality.”

Until the fundamental errors that are built into the foundations of the largest and most powerful religions are acknowledged and corrected by their male rulers they will continue to be a major part of the failure of human beings to achieve even a small portion of their potential.

But given the pathological mentality of the Christian and Islamic Church lords this reformation will not happen until the religions are on the verge of becoming totally obsolete simply because the people at large will stop blindly supporting them.

Now that religions are no longer able to oppress people with impunity the gradual weakening of their hold on the mindset of well over half of humanity is, in fact, inevitable. Their “sins” are quickly made public.

It is becoming obvious to more and more people that the salvation of humanity lies in rational, factual education; not in male-created and male-dominated religious cults—and again if you question the reference to Judaism, Christianity and Islam as cults look up the word cult in your dictionary.

Religions Live on Ignorance

From their inceptions all of the branches of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been based on ignorance—on the simple fact that people knew virtually nothing about the cosmos, the solar system, the Earth, the existence of thousands of other societies on other continents, and so on. And it was this prevailing ignorance over the centuries that made it possible for these religions to survive and thrive.

Not surprisingly, much of this ignorance in all of these religious sects still prevails today despite the fact that mankind has walked on the moon, astronomers study the billions of galaxies and more billions of stars in the cosmos, and scientists can literally create life.

What is equally sad is that long before the appearance of Christianity and Islam ancient Sumerian and Greek scholars and scientists had actually deduced that the Earth is a globe that is in orbit around the sun; had identified all of the inner planets out to Saturn; and had deduced that human beings evolved from lower life forms going all the way back to fish!—all knowledge lost or ignored by the time these religions were created.

A 2010 poll by the prestigious Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life revealed that still today American Roman Catholics and Protestants actually know very little about the history and basic tenets of their own faith. The survey revealed that atheists, agnostics, Jews and Mormons knew more about religious dogma than Catholics and Protestants.

While the United States is commonly referred to as one of the most religious nations in the world, the facts are that most Americans are ignorant not only about their own particular brand of faith they know even less about other faiths. And also not surprisingly, the lower the level of education of the individual the less he or she knew about religion. And here is a good kicker: atheists and agnostics scored the highest on the survey questions. Catholics scored the lowest.

The Willful Stupidity Element!

One should be able to assume that present-day leaders of most religions are neither stupid nor ignorant. Even though most of them have been raised within the restraints and taboos of their particular church and have been programmed by their environment and professional studies to accept the teachings of their par-ticular religion, it requires a great deal of willful stupidity for them to deny what they see and hear in the real world, and in what their intrinsic common sense tells them.

     While some of the motives of many of the clergy in all religions may be pure and positive, continuing to pursue beliefs and practices that are patently false, invalid and anti-human requires a twisted mind. That is willful stupidity taken to the extreme.

      The news media recently carried interviews with two life-long religious pastors who admitted that they no longer believed in the existence of God—or any god for that matter. And how did they say they came to this startling insight? They said they did so by actually reading the Bible and discovering that it is primarily based on stories written by men totally ignorant of the nature, scope and grandeur of the cosmos attempting to prove there is a God who can and does break every law of nature but never actually does anything at all to save mankind from itself.

     In simple terms, religious clergy have been brain-washed by their teachers and mentors and their overall environment—or they dupe themselves for some ulterior reason. Or they are perfectly aware of the duplicity of their position and actions and continue for reasons that have nothing to do with “saving souls.”

     Most of the world’s religions have traditionally de-pended upon one thing to keep their uneducated members coming back for more. Fear! Fear that they will be condemned to Hell if they don’t profess to believe and go through the prescribed rituals; and fear of the reprisals their Church and fellow members will take against them in this life if they don’t conform to the prescribed behavior.

     In earlier times reprisals by the Catholic Church ranged from being ostracized and shamed to being tortured and killed, often in the most horrible ways imaginable. In modern times the Church has moderated its punishment to social sanctions and the threat of eternal Hell instead of some form of execution.

     Of course, the vast majority of Muslims are as non-violent and as tolerant as the average Christians and Jews but radical Islamic clerics remain hung up on the primitive beliefs and customs that were common when Islam was founded in the 7th century A.D.

    Teaching children that they are going to burn in Hell forever if they don’t obey the dictates of any religion is pathological, and so far from the original intent of religions that it is criminal.   Prevailing upon young men and women to strap bombs to their bodies to seek out and kill as many people as possible in a struggle for religious and political power goes beyond pathology.

     When the mothers of these brainwashed assassins say on camera how proud they are of their martyred sons and daughters it is unreal. It is even more unreal when it is discovered that the terrorists paid the families of the assassins. Only rational, non-religious education can cure this inhuman insanity.

***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

As a result of the Shinto element in Japanese culture the Japanese have more exotic and erotic attractions than virtually any other country…a factor that makes Japan one of the most fascinating and seductive places on the planet. This book identifies and describes a long list of these features. It is available from Amazon.com.

Gods are Not Responsible…You Are! [13]

THE LIFE IS SACRED NONSENSE!Another example of the nonsensical and dangerous influences of the combination of the male mind and religion is the concept that life is sacred. People in cultures that have been profoundly influenced by the Judeo-Christian God concept have been taught that life is sacred, and that only God can legitimately give and take life—human life, that is, since God (it is said) gave mankind dominion over all other life forms (otherwise we would not be able to kill and eat animals, fish, fowls and a variety of other forms of life without committing a sin).

The idea that a living god created all life—especially human life—and that life is sacred is so transparently invalid that it should have made any continuing belief in the concept patently impossible. And yet it is still one of the primary teachings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The life-is-sacred myth is, of course, a concept created by the founders of Judaism and Christianity in an attempt to wean males away from their instincts to mistreat and kill others and to reprogram them to be respectful, kind and cooperative. In the eyes of these ancient founders only a god would be capable of such a miracle, and rightly so.

However, the primitive destructive instincts of human males were so strong that just being told that life was sacred was not enough to suppress these instincts in many men, with the result that mayhem and murder have continued to be a distinguishing characteristic of humanity.

In fact, not long after the creation of the life-is-sacred concept, religious leaders themselves began to use violence in the name of their God in an attempt to force others to believe as they did and to obey the rules they had devised in an effort to control all thinking and behavior.

Incredibly, according to the Bible when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with the first 10 Commandments and found that large numbers of his followers had created and were worshipping a golden calf and having a hell of a good time, he was so incensed that he smashed the stone tablet bearing the Commandments and ordered his faithful followers to kill those who had stayed from the path. In one of the worst massacres in history his followers slaughtered over 3,000 fellow Jews—men, women and children. Moses then went back up on Mt. Sinai and [it is said] and had God use his finger to rewrite the 10 Commandments on another stone slab!

Life is indeed precious to most human beings, but the history of humanity demonstrates that there is absolutely nothing sacred about it. Those who continue to profess belief in the sacred concept merely demonstrate that the human mind can be manipulated like any computer soft-ware program, and when confronted with reality they resort to claiming it is a matter of faith, not facts or reality.

It is apparently the cosmos itself that is the Great Creator. It is infused with an inherent force to create life in forms and functions that are seemingly countless…in environments that are incredibly diverse and extreme. On Earth, new forms of life are discovered almost daily as scientists and others probe deeper into the oceans, into the subterranean depths of the Earth, and into isolated places on the surface of the Earth. One of these days we will discover that life in varying forms is common among the billions of planets circling billions of stars.

Regardless of the form and function of any life form, in whatever environment, life to that particular form is precious, but, again, it is not sacred. All life forms, including humans, are subject to being obliterated, often in an instant, by other life forms and by nature.

Life is, in fact, based on life forms killing and eating other life forms—a food chain that is exactly the opposite of the religious concept that life is sacred. Nature creates life and life destroys life in order to survive and grow and become more adept at devouring other forms of life (not counting incidents of human cannibalism, of course).

The religious concept that is life is sacred crops up in virtually all areas of human life, and is routinely ignored by the majority. Opponents of abortions use the life-is-sacred argument to proclaim that abortions are a sin against God.  This dumb argument is also used by people who oppose the use of human stem cells in medical research.

Going one step farther, this rationale would apply to female eggs [most of which are disposed of naturally] and male sperm, most of which goes to “waste.”  As already noted, there is an injunction in the Bible that describes masturbation as a grave sin, and states that “It is better to leave your seed in the belly of a whore than to cast it to the wind.”  How’s that for a pithy summation of religious morality!

As stated, virtually all organic life forms on Earth exist by killing and eating other life forms—or in many cases eating them while they are still alive—in which case they are  commonly promoted in some cultures as special treats. Now, only humans are normally not on the food chain… but don’t turn your back on an alligator or any other really big lizard!

The Abortion Controversy!  

An abortion can, of course be a dangerous and ignoble thing for a woman to go through, but done early enough and safely enough it is often a better choice than to have an unplanned, unwanted child.  Being forced to have an unplanned and unwanted child—especially one that cannot be properly cared for and educated—because of an ancient and primitive religious belief is simply not rational; not right.

People who oppose abortions should spend their time and energy in helping women avoid unwanted pregnancies in the first place. There are millions of women around the world who are in desperate need of such help and every year they produce millions more children, many of whose lives are short and wretched.

As contradictory as it often is, human beings are the most advanced form of life known and some humans are capable of creating masterpieces of art, architecture, literature, music and technological marvels. In many areas, scientists and technicians are literally transforming life itself in “god-like” ways. And yet, large numbers of human beings are still driven by the instincts of their primitive ids to use force, to repress, to maim and murder to get what they want. This destructive behavior, on an individual as well as on group and national levels, is often done in the name of their God.

There is obviously a great deal of good in cultures influenced by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but the myths and myopia these religions spawn and the irrational behavior they often justify continue to bring immeasurable suffering, destruction and death to mil-lions of people.

To repeat, the irrational position that abortion is a sin against God because life is sacred is simply non-sense. It is a deplorable answer to the irresponsibility of a male and a female—most often a male. There are other answers!

The Rebellion of Catholic Women

The sex-and-gender obsessed Catholic Church has been losing American members and priests since the political emancipation of women began in the 20th century, but it was not until female members of the cult began a concerted rebellion against its sexist practices near the end of the century that dissension within the ranks became big time.

The really Big Bang occurred in 2010 as a result of the Vatican’s reaction when a number of new female priests were ordained in the U.S. and in Europe. The Vatican declared that in the eyes of God women were unfit to be priests and that ordaining them was a grave sin on the same level as the sexual abuse of young boys by priests.

In the new connected world of the Internet that absurd sexist reaction went viral within hours, resulting in the publication of data showing that most American Catholics disagree with the Vatican’s anti-female views and are in favor of ordaining women.

One summary of the rebellion against the doctrines of the Church suggested that the male lords would eventually abolish the edict that male priests could not marry in an attempt to remain a relevant power in the lives of people, but the summary did not foresee the day when the Church would accept females into its male-dominated hierarchy.

That is inevitable if the Catholic Church is to survive—but in the long run it will be better for humanity if it does not survive in its present form.

***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

There are over 20 Indian Reservations in Arizona, taking up some 28 percent of the state. This book has cultural and historical ;profiles of the tribes, along with descriptions of their attractions, including casinos, and visitor facilities. It is an ideal handbook for both visitors and residents, and is available from Amazon.com in both print and ebook formats.

Profit as the New God! [14]

A NEW FATAL PLAGUE ON MANKIND!The Rise of Money Morality

The fact that Judaism, Christianity and Islam failed in their self-declared mandates to control human behavior allowed the rise of a new morality that is even more destructive—a new morality that was fueled by the Industrial Revolution that began in England in the early 1800s and was to have more far-reaching effects on human history than any other element since the development of agriculture and the creation of god-based religions.

     One of the most important of these effects was that the new economy that developed over the next century was centered on profit-making as the new imperative of all businesses and government organizations, and earning money was the new imperative of the people who worked for them.

     During the early 19th century money-and-profit-making became the economic, social and political foundations of the industrialized countries of the West. By the beginning of the 20th century all of the domestic and international affairs of the newly industrialized countries were based on the new money morality.

     The perceived and real need for economic expansion, both to meet growing populations and the hunger for more economic and political power, resulted in wars becoming an even more vital aspect of public policy in a number of countries.

     Among the first of these economic wars was the invasion and colonization of most of Southeast Asia and big chunks of China by European countries. In the early 1900s Japan joined the fray by invading and colonizing Korea. Then came World War I and World War II, both started by Germany to expand its economic and political clout, with Japan soon following the German example by invading China, Southeast Asia and islands in the Pacific.

      At present, most of the conflicts among industrialized nations are economic rather than military.  But killing and other savage actions continue on a grand scale in some countries—despite efforts by the United Nations and individual nations to stop them.

     No matter how many reasons one can come up with to explain this violence the ultimate cause lies in the lack of the right kind of practical and moral education—education that programs people in the commonsense attributes that are the foundation of peace, goodwill, tolerance and cooperation in improving the welfare of all—all things god-based religions have failed to do.

     There is virtually no area of human endeavor, including the survival and activities of religious institutions, that is not based on or does not depend on money.

The Excess-Consumption Time Bomb!

The profit motive has not only replaced religious-based moralities it has created an excess-consumption syndrome that is socially and spiritually insane and is like a cancer eating away at humanity and inflicting irreparable harm to the Earth.

The areas of human consumption in industrialized societies that are the most abused by the compulsion to make a  profit—and are the most damaging to both humanity and the Earth—include fossil-based energy, military armaments, fashion-based wearing apparel, drugs, processed foodstuffs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and sugar-laden drinks.

The damage done not only to the human psyche and societies in general but also to the Earth by promoting excess consumption of these and other products is incalculable in both spiritual and material terms.

This mindless drive to make a profit based on excess consumption results in most of the imagination and creative talent of mankind being used to promote the sales of products in volumes that are not related in any way to the actual needs of people.

More and more people are recognizing the stupidity and immorality of this kind of culture, but only a few have the intestinal fortitude in the first place to not fall prey to the blandishments of advertising and a social image that publicly proclaims their success in making more money than what they need to live modestly. Fewer still willingly give it up after they are caught up in the conspicuous consumption syndrome.

Americans created this lifestyle and mentality, and like a disease it has spread to other countries, particularly the newly developed and still developing countries, with China being an outstanding example.

What is incredible about the rise of China and the problems of the United States is that the Chinese approach to education, the economy and international trade as expounded by Premier Wen Jiabao in 2010 was more rational and intelligent—if self-serving—than the American approach…a phenomenon recorded by Fareed Zakaria, an editor of Time magazine, following an interview of Wen.

Zakaria noted that the policies the Chinese leadership has followed since the 1980s have included  building new colleges and universities, dramatically increasing the number of graduates in math and science and building an infrastructure that includes state-of-the-art  airports, highways and a high-speed train network—all key parts of modernizing and internationalizing China’s economy.  He added that the education network the Chinese created in less than a decade is the largest in the world—an expansion Yale University President Richard Levin described as with-out precedent.

Just as American business and government leaders ignored the fantastic economic progress Japan made between 1950 and 1970—during which it became the world’s second largest economy—they at first ignored the fact that China began taking exactly the same steps in the late 1970s.

What an incredible example of the myopia and willful stupidity of American leaders in all fields!  The once despised Chinese Communist leaders giving Americans a lesson in capitalism!   And by the end of the first decade of the 21st century China was already in the midst of its second giant leap forward: the creation of a mass market that could eventually encompass over one billion people—a phenomenon that will have far more impact on the world than the rise of Japan.

But in creating their own economic juggernaut the Chinese leaders seem to have forgotten some of the other sage wisdom of Lao Tzu, who almost three thousand years ago wrote: “When man interferes with nature the sky becomes filthy, the Earth becomes depleted, harmony with nature disappears, and creatures become extinct.”

Japan was the first Asian nation in modern times to develop a mass market-based economy—between 1950 and 1965—a remarkable event chronicled in 1967 in the book, The Japanese as Consumers—Asia’s First Mass Market, written by this author [of this book] and Fred Thomas Perry.

Japan was also the first Asian nation to fall prey to the excess consumption syndrome; a cultural switch of extraordinary importance because up to 1960 the Japanese had maintained an austere but physically, emotionally and spiritually balanced life-style for over two thousand years.

This early unique Japanese lifestyle evolved from precepts contained in Shintō, their native religion, which taught respect and reverence for nature; for beauty simplified and refined down to its essence; the avoidance of conspicuous excess display, and the presence of harmony in design and style as well as in behavior.

The traditional lifestyle of the Japanese has been maintained in many areas, including shops dealing in traditional arts and crafts, restaurants featuring traditional foods, and traditional ryokan [rio-kahn] or inns, which still abound in the country. But for the majority of the Japanese it has been replaced by the American or Western style of living.

However, before the turn of the 21st century a growing number of Japanese began to suffer from a cultural malaise brought on by the mass consumption lifestyle, resulting in them going at least part of the way back to the simple way of living that had sustained them for millennia. For some, this included moving out of crowded urban areas into the countryside.

The whole industrialized world is challenged to follow this example to some extent—overcoming the excess-consumption syndrome and returning to a more balanced and satisfying lifestyle. This movement, although tiny, is growing in the United States, albeit slowly. Much of the future of the world depends on what China will do.

It should not be surprising to Westerns caught up in mass consumption that the foundation of Japan’s traditional lifestyle was emotional and spiritual harmony; the antithesis of mass consumption.

While it is inconceivable that large numbers of affluent Americans and other Westerners would give up their wasteful and discordant lifestyles readily and easily, it nevertheless is one way that would return commonsense and harmony to their lives.


If you are interested in learning more about the foundation of Japan’s traditional culture, see ELEMENTS OF JAP-ANESE DESIGN – Understanding and Using Japan’s Classic Wabi-Sabi-Shibui Concepts.


***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

This is a portable “information Center” that answers all of your questions about Arizona’s great Grand Canyon, and then some, that you can carry around with you. It is available from Amazon.com in both print and ebook formats, and is ideal for both visitors and residents..

The New American Drug Lords! [15]

                          THE NEW DRUGGED SOCIETY!

The multi-billion-dollar-a-year drug industry in the U.S., both legal and illegal, has become an economic, political and social issue that is a frightening and dangerous example of the failure of basic parental responsibility, teacher responsibility, government responsibility, industry responsibility, news media responsibility, and more.

The movement toward a drug-addicted society began with the Hippie phenomenon of the 1960s and from then on was promoted by news media coverage and the movie and music industries.

By 2010 the market for illegal drugs in the U.S. had spawned a war in Mexico, pitting drug cartels against the government—a war that the government was in-capable of winning, resulting in it beginning to consider legalizing recreational drug use—a concept highly criticized by those who pointed out that it was the market for drugs in the U.S. that fueled and financed the Mexican drug cartels.

In the United States the movement to legalize marijuana was making dramatic inroads under the guise of “medical marijuana”—a movement headed by the Medical Marijuana Project, a lobbying and information group based in Washington, D.C. that was both insidious and clever in presenting the benefits of thou-sands of new marijuana drugstores across the country.

Again, it was money that drove this movement, not concern for people who had illnesses that cause permanent pain. And because dealing in drugs is extremely profitable there was no lack of money to finance the campaign.

Listening to proponents of medical marijuana—those in government as well as those on the outside—one could assume that legalizing medical pot was an opportunity to create thousands of good-paying jobs and bring large amounts of tax dollars into city and state coffers.

Some Arizona politicians who were asked about the push to legalize medical marijuana suggested that it might be a good idea for the dispensaries to be run by the state. Others suggested that the dispensaries should be associated with pharmacies and other medical providers. Arizona voters approved the sale of “medical pot” in the state in 2010—demonstrating once again the willful ignorance of most voters.

The first states to approve of medical marijuana dispensaries were California in 1996; Alaska, Oregon and Washington in 1998 and Maine in 1999. All people need to buy pot legally in states where it has been approved is a note from a doctor saying they would benefit from it. Doctors get paid for passing out these prescriptions.

Given the legal production and sale of alcohol and nicotine products it seems inevitable that marijuana will be legalized by tax-hungry states.

When the use of marijuana, heroin, meth and other drugs are added to the vast and still growing array of legal drugs sold in the United States the total is staggering. Several million people of all ages, including children, are on daily dosages of prescribed drugs… many of which have no beneficial effect whatsoever and some of which have serious side-effects.

Referring to the national epidemic of pill popping, TIME magazine labeled the “well-intentioned” use of drugs prescribed by regular doctors as “Addiction by Prescription.”

It goes without saying that both the legal and illegal drug industries are profit-and-growth-driven…the new American morality.

There is no end to the reach and influence of the profit motive in American life. It permeates and prevails in virtually everything we do outside of pure charity work, overriding commonsense and any pre-tense of morality.

The health insurance industry’s stealth campaign to prevent health care reform, carried out by some of the country’s top public relations pros on behalf of their corporate clients, was an example of the power of businesses to preserve their profit margins at the expense of the people they claim to serve. The profit morality is not limited to businesses.

Religion as a Profit-Making Business 

The Catholic Church in particular is a huge commercial and political enterprise more concerned with profit and growth—and keeping males on top—than with the spiritual lives of its members.

In fact, the Catholic Church has been more interested in profits and politics than in truth and in the quality of life since before the Middle Ages, but it was only with the dramatic increase in knowledge and the educational level of the laity that the Church began to lose spiritual relevance. The Pope and his huge staff of generals have become business managers, more interested in profit-and-loss than in convincing members that they will go to Heaven when they die if they follow the ancient dictates and continue to finance the Church.

The loss of religion-based morality in business, politics and society in general—as inhuman and as discriminatory as it always has been—was nevertheless a real loss because it at least had some standards of conduct for people in charge that sometimes benefitted those without power.

Now, there is no area of human endeavor that is not controlled by the profit motive, and more often than not profit takes precedence over any abstract religious morality that has survived. This includes education and politics in addition to every category of business.

Well before the turn of the 21st century the rise of the profit morality had become even more complicated because of the increasing international demand for oil and raw materials to feed the insatiable maws of modern life.

***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

This book details the cultural and historical influences that gave the Japanese special skills in the design and creation of arts, crafts and modern-day products; major factors in Japan’s rapid rise as a super economic power. It is available from Amazon.com in both print and ebook formats.

Why the U.S. is Losing Out to China! [16]


As is well known, all industrially advanced countries that do not have sufficient oil, iron ore, copper and a various other raw materials now compete with each other politically as well as economically.This has resulted in a situation in which profit-oriented have-nots are essentially hostages to the haves, creating a foreign affairs dilemma for many nations, especially the U.S., for which there are no fast, easy solutions.

War, which has traditionally been the solution to such problems, is no longer an easy option. Having to deal with rogue, unfriendly nations that are major sup-pliers of oil or other critical resources makes the problems even more complicated.

Contemplating what this could mean for mankind on a short-term is not a pleasant experience. But the bright side of this dilemma is that it is forcing leaders to talk instead of fight, and is encouraging them to do the things they should have been doing anyway at least for decades if not centuries—and that, of course, is developing new benign sources of energy, creating new green products and developing a green lifestyle.

The optimistic view is that there is enough innate goodness in most of humanity that when the huge mass of ordinary people reach the mindset that things must change, and achieve the ability to force these changes on those in power, a universal morality that is rational, logical, practical and beneficial will emerge.

There are going to be many dark decades before that happens, but there is hope.  In addition to wind and solar power there is also the probability that oil produced from algae and other green sources could supplement power needs until efforts to harness energy from nuclear fusion becomes a reality.

When oil is replaced by other energy sources, the changes that will occur in politics and economics could be as fundamental as discovering how to make and control fire.

In an odd twist of fate, the only profit-making competitor that is even more powerful than oil is pornography. It is easy and cheap to produce, and can be distributed around the world in one second, at virtually no cost.

It is only the wisest and the stupidest who cannot change!


***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

Japan quickly fascinates and seduces foreign visitors in just a matter of a week or 10 days…and the reason is the exotic and erotic nature of the culture…things that impact on people physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. This book idenifies and describes the primary factors that make Japan so seductive. It is available from Amazon.com in both print and ebook editions.

The Black Hole of Politics! [17]



The basic political system in the United States was created in a time when the overall population of the country was tiny, the number of eligible voters was smaller still, and there were far fewer power groups with their own agendas. If people really didn’t like what was going on in their districts they could simply load up and move west where at first there were no political processes at all. As time passed and the populations grew money began to play an increasing role in the political system.

By the beginning of the 20th century the new money morality had infected and corrupted American culture and the political process from top to bottom. As is so glaringly obvious today people who want to participate in the governing process must buy their way into office.

Individuals running for offices who are not wealthy must raise thousands to millions of dollars to finance their campaigns. One of the most conspicuous examples of this occurred in 2010. That year  the candidate for the governorship of California, Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay, spent $141 million of her own money and another $25 million in donations—apparently the record for any political candidate in the history of the country; topping 2008 presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who spent $115 million during the primary elections campaign that year (and lost).  Whitman also lost.

That was an incredible travesty of the original political system, and a glaring example of the depths to which American culture had sunk.

By the summer of 2010 the level of political competition for power had reached new heights of immoral absurdity—a phenomenon advanced by an advertising “genius” whose forte was creating advertisements based on statements and images that were so shocking they were raw red meat for the online news media, resulting in them going viral in a matter of minutes, bringing his clients millions of dollars worth of publicity and making them virtually instant “celebrities.”

This genius simply took advantage of the fact that the more outrageous an ad the more attention it will get, regardless of how inaccurate or how stupid it might be—the point being that enough of the public would end up voting for the candidates to maybe get them elected.  What this had to stay about the moral character of the political figures who agreed to this approach is a good question.

The American political system is not going to reform itself. First, in most states the division of counties into political districts—which is the prerogative of state legislators—is obsolete, impractical, inefficient, unfair, undemocratic and irrational, and the system should be abolished.

Failure of the Committee System

The political-party system of government as practiced in the United States is virtually bankrupt.  One of its worst elements is the committee system, which has a profound influence on who gets what done. In addition to different ideologies that divide committee members on both state and federal levels the party in power gets to select the chairmen in control of the committees.

This means that instead of being a good example of the democratic process, individual committee chairmen can decide on what and when to bring up issues and they and their fellow party members almost always vote as a block.

Junior congressmen and senators who have promised their constituents that they are going to reform Washington politics when they get there  have virtually no power even when appointed to committees because they generally must do the bidding of the senior party members whether they agree with them or not.

 One of the first lessons that newcomers in Congress learn is that they must spend the bulk of their time raising funds for the next election.

The committee system virtually guarantees that most of the legislation introduced by members—old and new, and especially new members—goes directly into a black hole and never sees the light of day. Actually, given the purpose and quality of much of the legislation that is not all bad!

Two New Branches of Government! 

The political system in the United States today has morphed into a kind of multi-headed monster that mitigates against common sense and rational, focused behavior. One of the reasons for this is the appearance of two new unofficial branches of government that are not by the people or for the people.

These are the far left and the far right elements of the news media and the lobbyists—both individual lobbyist who must register and account for the money they spend, and the far more powerful corporate entities from non-profits to unions that do not have to register as lobbyists and over which there are no restraints on how much money they can use to buy political influence.

The combination of the dark sides of these two unofficial branches of government poisons the political atmosphere and prevents the legal branches of government from doing the job they were designed to do.

In goes without saying that these unofficial branches of government are not going to change their spots or their behavior. It is also obvious that the influence of the lobby branch is so powerful that elected officials cannot legislate it out of business—although efforts have been made to rein it in.

That leaves it up to untainted public officials, journalists and the public at large to identify and expose the individuals, companies and organizations that have usurped the legitimate powers of the government to the point that they become ineffective and wither away.  Good luck on that!

***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

The Plague of Money Politics! [19]



The only way to really reform the political system in the United States is to start by eliminating the money equation. Eliminating the hold that money politics now has on the country will require some drastic steps that only the public at large can initiate.  Citizens must force their elected officials on every level of government to take the following simple steps:

1] Mandate by law that candidates cannot use paid advertisements in the news media or on signs, or have anyone else or any organization place paid advertisements on their behalf in or on any media.

2] Mandate by law that all citizens running for re-election, or election for the first time, write out in precise detail their biographical information and position on all issues that could be expected to come before them, and make their manifestos available to the public 90 days before the day of the election by releasing them to the print and electronic news media, and by printing and delivering them to voters in their districts and states.

3] Mandate by law that public campaigning by all candidates be limited to precisely 30 days before election day and that during this 30-day period they be prohibited from basing their campaigns on criticizing their opponents. If they are not willing to stand on their background and positions on the public interest they should not be running in the first place.

What the Public Has to Say

Among the many critiques of Congressional representatives and senators now on the Internet as pass-on messages, the following sums up the feelings of many Americans:

A.  A maxim of two 6-year Senate terms.

B.  A maxim of six 2-year House terms.

C.  One 6-year Senate term and three 2-Year House terms.

D.  Congressional members receive a salary while in office and no pension when they leave office.

E.  Congressional members (past, present & future)

participate in the Social Security program.

F.  All funds in the Congressional retirement fund should be moved to the Social Security system immediately.   All future funds should flow into the Social Security system, and Congressional members should participate with the American people.

G.  Members of Congress should purchase retirement plans, just as other Americans do.

H.  Congressional members should no longer have the right to vote themselves pay raises.

I.  The current health care system for members of Congress should be eliminated, and they should participate in the same health care system as other Americans.

J.  Members of Congress should be required to abide by the laws they impose on the American people.

K. All contracts with past and present members of Congressmen should be voided. The American people did not make these contracts with Congressional mem-bers. They made the contracts themselves.

L.  Serving in Congress was not meant to be a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serving their term(s) then going home and going back to work.

A Common-Sense Manifesto

A board of independent ordinary citizens, business-people and scholars should draw up a simple common sense manifesto of specific incremental steps to take that over a period of years that are designed fix the problems now plaguing the infrastructure of the political system, the economic system, and the education system.

To implement this manifesto the American public would have to come to its senses, stop voting on party lines, and vote for independent candidates who pledge in writing to make the changes necessary, and then hold them strictly accountable if they are elected.

Politicians already in office should be required by voters to sign off on the manifesto. If they refuse to sign the manifesto they should be blacklisted in future elections—or better yet, recalled and booted out of office.

If such drastic steps are not taken there is no hope that basic improvements will be made in the governing process.

 In politics stupidity is not a handicap!

—Napoleon Bonaparte—

 ***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

The Misuse of Human Sexuality! [20]



One of the most incredible results of the misunderstanding, misuse and abuse of human sexuality in the so-called Western world [which equates with the Christianized nations] has been the dramatic appearance and growth of sexual titillation industries since the advent of movies and television in the early 1900s.

This doesn’t mean there was no sex-oriented media in earlier times. Drawings, paintings and even sculptures have long depicted men and women in the nude and in sex acts for their arousal effects.

In fact, in earlier times cultures in some Asian countries had enormous industries devoted to such things. Early Japan’s famous 69-position sex charts are now collector’s items worth large sums of money, and its annual sex festivals continue to attract hundreds of thousands of viewers. Sex-oriented sculptures of India, Cambodia and other Southeast Asian countries also continue to attract large numbers of tourists.

In the United States sex-oriented novels—most of them aimed at females—began to sell by the millions in the early 1900s. By the mid-1900s printed “fuck” comics and cartoons were big things in American high schools, furtively passed around by giggling girls and smirking boys in the classrooms and hallways. [Popeye was a popular star in the cartoons!]

But it was not until the hippie movement in the late 1950s and 1960s had influenced and liberated movie and television producers and magazine publishers that sexual titillation became one of the biggest industries in the country and one of the foundations of the whole economy.

As early as the 1970s hard-core porn films were available on television in hotel rooms, and despite some half-hearted attempts to stop the practice it continues—protected by the Freedom of Speech amendment attached to the American Constitution.

Visual and verbal pornography are now a mainstay of the movie and television industries. Even the broadcast news media has joined the sexual titillation crowd by selecting sexy female newscasters who are groomed fit to kill, wear short skirts, display a lot of naked leg and flirt with both guests and viewers.

As of this writing films showing both partial and complete nudity are now common fare on some television channels. Sexual intercourse depicting everything except the entry of the male penis into the female vagina is common.

Why Female Sexuality is Used to Sell Everything!

Another of the incredible and conspicuous aspects of the failure of males in Jewish, Christian and Islamic societies to understand and deal humanely and effectively with the sexual nature of men and women is the fact that in the 20th century the display of female sexuality became the foundation of marketing in the Uni-ted States, with several European and Hispanic countries following suit.

By 2005 even once sex-staid China has boarded the sex-marketing bandwagon, and it will be very interesting to watch that development both because the Chinese have a different cultural background regarding sex and because of the conservative influence that the Communist Party still has on the country.

The fact that it is primarily the use of female sexuality that primes the business pump in America and other Christianized countries is yet other outcome of the Jewish and Christian religions historically keeping women in the shadows and subservient to men—denying them the right of self-expression and making the subject of their sexuality both taboo and a subject of obsessive interest among males.

Islam has been and still is even more rigid and extreme in its efforts to keep women in virtual serfdom—a primitive practice that goes all the way back to caveman days and is just now beginning to show cracks because a tiny percentage of Islamic women have become educated enough, affluent enough and courageous to loosen the religious chains that have bound them since ancient times.

Hopefully, the influence of television and mobile communication devices will eventually override the hold that Islamic law has on females, allowing them to become fully realized human beings.

Another of the results of the religious-inspired laws requiring women to keep their bodies covered is that males in these countries have developed a fetish about female breasts. Surely never in the history of mankind has more been made about any part of the human body than what is now seen in the U.S., Mexico and other countries in regards to female tits.

Your might think that an American mother being arrested for breast-feeding her baby in public has to be the epitome of stupidity. But then along comes an Islamic cleric who announces in the Iranian media that women who engage in promiscuous behavior and whose dress reveals breast-cleavage and leg not only corrupts young men and leads to adultery but is also the cause of earthquakes.

This example of religious idiocy prompted Purdue University genetics and evolution student Jennifer Mc-Creight to create a ‘boobquake” Facebook group as a joke…“to help fight supernatural thinking and the oppression of women just because they showed some cleavage.”

In a matter of hours over 105,000 female Facebook users had volunteered to join the group, resulting in news media around the world picking up on the story. The site could become big and profitable—with many newcomers logging on because they think it is online pornography and they are going to see a lot of boobs.

What a marvelous story and what an amazing ex-ample of the power of the Internet to reveal the on-going idiocy and stupidity of primitive religious thinking and the susceptibility of the human mind to being programmed to believe anything.

Bras especially designed to reveal a lot of tit are big sellers. Plastic surgeons [mostly males] reacting to demand from hundreds of thousands of women have turned enlarging tits into another new industry.

But given the direction and the speed with which the breast fetish is driving “fashion” it seems safe to predict that totally bare breasts will eventually become so commonplace in public that the fetish will peter out.

What’s Next? – The Male Penis?

Will the size and appearance of the erect male organ ever become a fetish among liberated females? I predicted that it would in Brave New World of American Sex, [written in the 1960s], and if it happens it will result in nationally televised contests and awards—resulting in fame and wealth for the extra-endowed men. [Basketball players would probably have to be banned from entering these contests because they would win most of them.]

Interestingly, centuries before Christianity became the primary religion in Rome sports-minded Romans staged penis contests in the gladiator stadium. The description of these popular coed events that especially caught my attention was the one about a man whose erect penis was so long he rested it on a wheel barrier as he proudly paraded it around the arena to rousing applause from the audience.

Such an event today would surely outdraw sports, and sponsors would be lined up by the hundreds.

The use of female sexuality to market products will no doubt continue until the sexuality of women is out in the open and no longer of obsessive interest to either males or females. That could be a long time coming because the influence of religions will remain strong for the foreseeable future.

***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!

The Entertainment Cesspool! [21]



Well before the end of the 20th century as much as seventy-five percent of all movie, television and mobile-device entertainment in the U.S. was based on sex, sleaze and violence.

    The public display of female sexuality had also become one of the primary foundations of business in the United States, with several European and Hispanic countries soon following suit. It had spread to Japan by the 1970s; to China by 1990 and to South Korea by 2005.

     The fact that it is primarily the use of female sexuality that primes the business pump in many countries is yet other outcome of the Jewish and Christian religions historically keeping women in the shadows and subservient to men, denying them the right of self-expression and making the subject of their sexuality both taboo and a subject of chronic obsessive interest among males.

In Muslim countries, however, Islamic customs and laws regarding female sexuality are still far too extreme and rigid to allow the use of sex as a basis for business or entertainment. Even minor infractions of these rules result in serious punishment. Conspicuous infractions can lead to death.

In pre-Americanized Japan, men and women bathed together in large public bathhouses as a normal, natural thing, and women’s breasts were not considered erotic—the back of the neck exposed by the kimono was the erotic zone! But since the 1960s breasts have also become a big thing in Japan, as the Japanese became more and more under the influence of sleazy American culture.

Interestingly, promoting prurient interest in female breasts had gone so far by the turn of the century that marketers in the fashion industry had begun to zero in on female butts as the new thing. Some of the commercials focusing on the butts of shapely females are more sexually arousing than the cleavage and breast ads because female butts are far more directly associated with actual sexual intercourse than mammary glands.

By 2011 TV commercials had begun focusing on the butts of men wearing tight blue jeans in yet another marketing gambit with a powerful sexual message.

Porn and Prostitution

The obsession with sex that is characteristic of people who have been programmed by anti-sex religions has resulted in the growth of pornography from a minor business to one of the world’s largest and most profitable enterprises. First fueled by the advent of sex-based movies and television in the mid-1900s, pornography went viral virtually overnight when the Internet came along.

Visual and verbal pornography are now a mainstay of the movie and television industries.  Google porn sites and porn videos on the Internet and the figure that comes up is well above forty million. Huge numbers of porn videos are advertised as free. Many porn producing companies have large numbers of members who pay a reduced fee for each new release.

In addition to the huge personal, individual market for hard-core pornographic films delivered on television and other electronic devices the market for packaged porno DVDs is huge and growing.

As incredible as it seems on the surface, the right to produce, distribute and sell pornography is protected by the “Freedom of Speech” provision in the American Bill of Rights…a right repeatedly reaffirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States and buttressed by an army of lawyers paid by pornographers.

As far back as the mid-1970s Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt had an attorney on a $15,000 a month retainer to fight off lawsuits if and when they occurred. This monthly expense was probably next only to the cost of printing the magazine but it was pocket change to the publisher. Despite the unsavory media-created reputation Flynt had as a smut peddler, he had goals that were more admirable than those claimed by many religions. His aim was to force people to be honest and aboveboard about their prejudices and sex obsessions, face them, and overcome them. He knew his approach was shocking to the average person. He also knew absolutely that it would make him immensely rich, but he was honest about it.

Again, the incredible market for porn was not created by the pornographers. It was created by the religious teachings that sexual behavior outside of marriage and not for the purpose of procreation is a sin against a vengeful God and those guilty of ignoring these teachings would go to Hell.

To prevent men from being aroused and seduced by females the religions mandated that women keep their bodies covered and not engage in any kind of licentious behavior. In some societies the sanctions to enforce these mandates included death—a sick male response still in force in some Islamic communities.

The very successful efforts of religions to deny, ignore and subvert both male and female sexuality naturally resulted in males becoming pathologically obsessive about female sexuality.

Male pornographers are not the only ones who take advantage of this cultural aberration.  Since women are naturally smarter than men, some who are liberated have taken advantage of the male obsession with female sexuality to create their own porn sites.

Porn Tycoons & Religions!

People who are profiting from pornography—some of whom have become billionaires—should bow down several times a day to the God-based religions—Judaism, Christianity and Islam—that have misunderstood and abused human sexuality since their inception, resulting in much of humanity becoming obsessed with sex, with sexual genitalia…with everything that has to do with sex.

Despite claims to the contrary, it is sex that runs the world, not love. And as long as the sexual nature of human beings is denied, ignored and suppressed, and people are punished for breaking the religious taboos designed to dramatically limit sexual expression, the obsession is not going to go away.

In other words, the profit morality will continue to prevail…at the expense of the religious elements that in fact are rational and humane but cannot compete with the power of the sexual nature of humanity.

As said, even the broadcast news media has joined the sexual titillation crowd by selecting sexy female newscasters who are groomed fit to kill, wear short skirts revealing a lot of leg, and flirt with both guests and viewers.

 The Traditional Sex Trade

The traditional sex trade itself is, of course, one of the world’s largest and most enduring industries, even though it continuously inflicts immeasurable suffering on millions of young girls and women.

     Not surprisingly, the business of sex has long been fodder for the modern-day news media, which periodically covers it like any other news category but never gets down to the nitty-gritty of why the industry continues to flourish on such a massive scale.

Selling and buying sex also periodically gets the attention of politicians and religious leaders who routinely decry its presence, but they too ignore the underlying reasons for its existence. And as is well known, many of them participate in the action them-selves, although they try to keep it secret.

You might think that there is some kind of conspiracy going on—a worldwide conspiracy that both allows and protects the sex industry from serious interference by anyone or any organization. And you would be right.

The conspiracy is as ancient as the industry itself, and is an outgrowth of the natural sexual instincts of males to have sexual relations with females on a regular basis—and to have sexual access to more than one female whenever possible.

As noted earlier, this predatory sexual nature of males is a built-in characteristic that is a fundamental part of the survival instinct of all organic life forms. In some human males this drive can be so powerful it prevents them from thinking and behaving rationally, and when it is denied and/or repressed bad things can happen.

In males sexual energy builds up like a battery being charged.  When the energy in the “sex battery” of males is not dispelled by having intercourse (or masturbating) it begins to have a negative impact on them. Their thinking and their behavior changes, and those with more powerful sex drives often resort to some kind and degree of violence to obtain sexual release.

Females are also genetically imbued with a survival instinct and are driven to attract males to impregnate them, but from the first days of the human species they were under the control of males who were superior in size and strength, and they were subject to being severely punished if not killed if they did not accommodate males who approached them.

As the human species advanced intellectually and began to form larger and larger groups it gradually became customary in most societies for the male rulers and their male-priest allies to establish rules that limited most men to one wife at a time, or prescribed the maximum number of wives they could have—a movement that totally ignored the sexual nature of most males and all females.

As is also well known, in many societies these limitations did not apply to the rulers and top officials, resulting in concubine and mistress-keeping become common among the ruling elite and the wealthy minority who were invariable aligned with the political and religious leaders.

The Bible notes that the famous King Solomon—the leader of a relatively small Jewish tribe—had 700 wives and 300 concubines. This sounds like a far-out exaggeration meant to burnish Solomon’s manly image, but such numbers are a matter of historical record in a number of cultures.

But whatever the society and whatever social system it had, a large number of men always ended up without the opportunity for regular sexual release. And, of course, many who had wives simply gave in to the urge to have extramarital sex. These factors combined with the material and security needs of many females and their families led to the early development of sex as a trade.

In some cultures religious leaders recognized and accepted the true nature of men, and created a system in which men, married or single, could have sex with female priests and acolytes. [Interestingly, Hawaiians had separate “sex houses” for royalty and for commoners that featured a variety of sex games. One game for commoners consisted of bowling for sex—rolling a wobbly coconut across a floor toward a lineup of females to select a partner for the night… surely hoping it would go to one that was attractive.*


*This custom was banned by American missionaries when they arrived in Hawaii only a few years after the islands were discovered by English seafaring explorer James Cook in 1778. If Hawaii ever runs short of tourists all it would have to do is restart the bowling-for-sex game.


Obviously, political, social and religious leaders have never resolved the sexual nature of males or females, which explains why the sex trade has survived into modern times. In short, it serves the purpose and needs of many males, and, in a perverse way, some females.

As is well known, law enforcement agencies in the U.S. periodically attempt to keep the sex trade behind closed doors, typically targeting females instead of males, even though the trade caters almost exclusively to males and would not exist if there was no demand.

As the cultural restraints against extra-marital sex and consensual sex among singles weaken, the need for commercial sex may diminish, but it will not go away in the foreseeable future; not as long as so many men need—or think they need—the services the trade provides.

The only way that the sex trade could be dramatically and quickly reduced in size would be mandatory government-enforced use of chemicals to block the natural sex drive of men. That will not happen as long as males are in control.

The “natural solution” that seems to be developing is a simple sexual free-for-all situation that is culturally approved as long as it is consensual.

This is an area of human behavior that the education system must eventually address in a rational, honest and humane way, beginning with middle school students, because parents cannot or will not do it.

***This blog was excerpted from my book: THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause and Cure!, available in ebook and printed formats from Amazon.com.


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the moral collapse of the U.S. along with books on his home state of Arizona. To see a full list of his books go to: www.authorsonlinebookshop.com. Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way!